SCS Signature MOD

About This Project

TheĀ SCS Signature MOD is the modular version of the SCS Signature line of furniture.

Brian Kelly helped with the marketing and branding of this product by coming up with the ‘Signature’ title of the product line and the ‘MOD’ name of the model to reflect it’s modular construction.

The still product photography and digital photo editing was performed by Brian Kelly. The desk was photographed empty and the equipment was photoshopped onto the desk. Only one version of the desk was photographed, and Brian photoshopped the other three variations.

The page layout and copy for the product’s web page was performed by Brian Kelly.

The full page print flyer for dealers was designed by Brian Kelly using Adobe Illustrator.

The voice over copy and video storyboard was written by Brian Kelly. The video shoot and production was performed Warren Pettit.


Marketing, Branding, Photography, Digital Photo Editing, and Page Layout by Brian Kelly.


Sound Construction & Supply, Inc.

Video Production

Warren Pettit

Page Layout, Photography
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Commercial Photography, Marketing